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Annual Subscription:  $50.00                                           

Concession or Tertiary Student:  $45.00                      

Junior (13 - 18 yrs):  $20.00                                              

In addition to membership fees:

Writers' Circles (per Circle): $ 8.00                                  

Web Page: $30.00 (see below)                                        

Online Acknowledgement: $10.00 (see below)          

New Members joining from 1 January 2016 who do not have an email address must pay a postal charge of $10 per annum                

Payment is addressed to The Treasurer, The Society of Women Writers WA, PO Box 434, Northbridge. WA 6865

Cheques should be made payable to: The Society of Women Writers WA.  Payment can also be made via Direct Deposit to Westpac Account BSB 036-004 Account No. 147696.  Your reference is your surname in the details box, then print the bank receipt and forward it with your membership form to the Treasurer. If you require a receipt, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.

 Web Page

By having a Web Page on the SWWWA site you can have as much information as an A4 sheet of paper will hold online. Along with text and contact details your webpage can contain photographs, although no more than 4 otherwise the page maybe slow to appear on screen.  This offer is open to all SWWWA members who have a writing related business as well as those who would like to promote their writing, products and role as a writer.

Online Acknowledgment

On the SWWWA website we have a page where members can include 100 words about what they have written, what they do, contact details and anything else they feel is relevant. This is a great opportunity for those who don’t want an entire webpage to promote their writing but would still like to have an online presence.

How to go about it

To be involved in either of these options simply tick the appropriate box above and pay with your membership fee.

Submitting information for the website

To avoid typos please email the text for any of the above direct to linpress1@bigpond.com (in the text of the email). However if you don't have email, post a printed copy to SWWWA, PO Box 434, Northbridge. WA 6865. Confirmation of payment of the above will be required before posting your information online.  The website fee is due annually with your membership fee.

New members who join between January & March pay half fee until the renewal date at end of June. After March, full annual fee is to be paid, but this will give the member 15 months membership.

Membership Form 2024

Click filename below to access file
