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Raelene Hall


Raelene’s love of writing began as a child through pen pals. She also enjoyed writing at school, convinced that the longer her stories were the better they were!

She continues her correspondence with friends and family to today, although now a lot of it is online rather than with pen and paper.

Marrying and moving to a station out of Meekatharra, Raelene and her husband had three children. As they grew up she was kept busy educating them on School of the Air. Meanwhile she continued writing in one form or another. With the arrival of the internet at the station (via satellite), Raelene realised the opportunity this afforded her to begin submitting articles to newspapers and magazines quickly and get paid for her work.

Raelene compiled quite a body of published work both in Australia and overseas. Her non-fiction articles, often about her isolated life on the station, proved to be of enormous interest to many editors. Often she was also asked to supply photos to accompany the articles.

An email to the Midwest Times Editor in Geraldton, asking about opportunities for regular writing gigs, led to a long lasting column called ‘Station Life’ in which Raelene wrote (with her tongue firmly planted in her cheek) about her life on the station.

This led to the publishing of her first book in 2007 titled ‘Legitimate Bush Woman’, which was very popular and there were numerous requests from readers for a follow up book.

Also in 2007 Raelene took on the editing and publishing of a National magazine for a voluntary organisation and continued this role for over 15 years.

With retirement from the station looming and her decision to step down from her editing/publishing role she decided now might be a good time to produce the long awaited second book. It’s title ‘Legitimate Bush Woman Goes to Town’ is in recognition of Raelene’s change from living the isolated station life to moving to the city.

In March 2023 Raelene and her husband retired to the city, leaving their sons to run the station. This was closely followed by the publication of her second book, which she is busy marketing to the world.

One of the great benefits of city life for Raelene is the opportunity to attend writing and book events, including meetings of the Society of Women Writers’, of whom she has been a long time member.

Raelene’s book ‘Legitimate Bush Woman Goes to Town’ is available by contacting her at kmkpublishing@gmail.comor phoning 0417 945 490. Cost is $35 including postage.