Writing Classes
February 5 and 12 - Finding Your Voice - Tutor Aileen Boyer
Finding your voice as a writer is a journey of self-discovery and creative exploration. By experimenting with different forms and styles, drawing inspiration from others, engaging in writing exercises, and overcoming obstacles, you can uncover the authentic voice that is uniquely yours. Your voice is an evolving aspect of your writing, and with each word you write, you get closer to the heart of your true self. So, write fearlessly, write authentically, and let your voice be heard.
February 19 and 26 - For Aspiring Writers, where to begin- Tutor Helen Iles
These sessions will help set the foundations of a productive and enjoyable sojourn into becoming and establishing oneself as a writer. Part open forum, part writing activities, this short course will shape the mindset of those stepping into the world of wild imaginings and creativity.
March Classes
March 5 The Stages of Physical Intimacy in Romance Writing - Tutor Helen Iles
Romance writing is a huge genre popular with readers and writers alike. Make your work stand out by leading your readers on a merry dance as the romantic couple meets and arouses each other’s feelings to the point of no return. This workshop covers how to build the physical attraction that keeps the reader turning pages and includes writing sex scenes.
March 12 Writing a Sestina - Tutor Helen Iles
Learn how to craft a sestina, a fixed-form poem consisting of six stanzas of six lines each, ending with a three-line envoi.
March 19 The Art of Writing Creatively - Tutor Helen Iles
What takes a piece of writing from being readable to being memorable? This workshop will cover writing descriptively to bring the reader into the story so they become immersed in the story and invested in the characters.
March 26 Character Development - Tutor Shirley Eldridge
Using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, (MBTI – a personality inventory) we will gain a greater understanding of our own personality strengths, as well as others, and therefore be able to develop fictional characters who are more colourful and who function congruently. This session will be highly interactive and experiential. Bring a pad and pencil.