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From the Chair  
SWW-WA Chairperson


Welcome to The Society of Women Writers WA


2024 - We are well into another great year!


What's on Next


16 July 2024

Citiplace Community Centre

Committee Meeting 9.30am – 12md

Annual General Meeting 12.15pm – 2pm


Book Launches

Book Promotions

Open mike session


 Nuts & Bolts Workshop 2pm – 3pm 


    All bookings are essential through the Booking Officer




  • Wednesday Writing Classes


    July 10, 17

    Topic: Framing and Ekphrasis (2)

    Tutor: Kathleen Knight

    Framing is used in photography to determine

  • what is left in (or out)of a picture to focus

  • the viewer’s attention.Come and learn how framing

  • can focus the attention of your readers.

  • Ekphrasis is being inspired by,and reflecting on,

  • a scene or work of art, & narrating your thoughts,

    feelings, or expanded perceptions in vivid detail.

    Learn to create evocative descriptions

  • sparked by forms of art.


    July 24, 31

    Topic: Getting into University (2)

    Tutor: Kathleen Knight

    Learn how to get enrolled

  • in a higher education writing course.

    Understand what types of courses are available,

  • what qualifications are required,

    and the differences between learning in class or online.

    There will be in-depth examples

  • based on the professional writing

    and publishing and the creative writing courses

  • at Curtin University.



    August 10 2024

  • Citiplace Community Centre



    Self-Publishing Workshop

    with Helen Iles, Managing Editor, Linellen Press

  • 12.30pm – 5pm


           How to Self Publish and Manage your Own Book


       Cost: Members $100; Non-members $130.


    Bookings are essential through the Booking Officer






20/04/21 Citiplace Committee Meeting 9.30am – 12md
General Meeting 12.15pm – 2pm
Guest Speaker: David Whish-Wilson
Topic: Crime Writing
Book Editors Club 2pm – 3pm




Wednesday Writing Classes
August 7, 14
Topic: Grief Writing (2)
Tutor: Asha Rajan
Everyone has a story of grief or grieving. It’s an
emotion that unites all kinds of beings, both human
and non-human. These two workshops will explore
the key elements of grief writing through essays,
short stories and poetry. Learn how to write your
own short grief piece in ways that elicit a sense of
recognition and understanding in your reader.

August 21, 28
Topic: Micro/Flash Fiction (2)
Tutor: Asha Rajan
Can you convey a whole story in a tight word count?
People often think flash and micro fiction are easy to
write because they’re short, but the short word
count means you have to choose your words
carefully. In this course we’ll look at various very
short stories and the difference between flash and
micro fiction. We’ll explore what makes these tiny
stories successful or not, and how you can adopt
successful techniques to write a complete story
within the constraints of the tight word count.





Updated 9th July 2024